Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alcohol Research Essay - 2723 Words

Alcoholism is a prominent substance abuse issue in Western society. The treatment method of controlled drinking as opposed to abstinence is a continuing cause of controversy in alcohol research to this day. The US is different from Europe in its acceptance of controlled drinking as a goal of treatment: â€Å"in the US alcohol dependence is typically depicted as a ‘recurring disease’ and the ‘successful abstainer’ as a ‘recovering’ though never ‘recovered’ alcoholic† (Coldwell, 2005). Depending on the alcohol abuse patient’s individual characteristics, either controlled drinking or abstinence is chosen as a treatment. Alcohol treatment in Canada, however seems to incorporate both mechanisms as shown in the study by Rush and Ogborne (1986).The†¦show more content†¦Alcohol dependence is known to be the most severe form of alcohol abuse. A person becomes so dependent on alcohol consumption that he/she loses sight of all the other important things going on around him/her. Family matters and social responsibilities become secondary worries to his/her primary concern for existence, which is drinking (Stephens, 2007). Nearly fourteen million Americans are somewhat dependent on alcohol. Alcohol dependence is more prominent in men, and young adults ages 18-29 (Stephens, 2007). According to a study done by Saitz â€Å"85,000 deaths, along with substantial disability from medical and psychiatric consequences, injuries and â€Å"secondhand† effects (ex: motor vehicle crashes) are attributed to the use of alcohol† (Saitz, 2005). Studies have shown that the amount of drinking that goes on in colleges is higher than anywhere else and that alcohol is the underlying cause in 50% of date rape cases. There is a strong negative correlation between low GPA scores and the amount of alcohol consumption in college students. The drinking age has been raised in many states in an effort to curtail the number of car accidents; this movement has reduced the number of car accidents (Barlow and Durand, 2006). Alcohol dependence has a much more pronounced medical effect on women than on men. Medical problemsShow MoreRelatedAlcohol Research Paper1257 Words   |  6 PagesAlcohol Research Paper Alcohol plays too significant a role in society today and should be an after thought as opposed to the most essential addition to any social event. Alcohol creates numerous social, economic, and health problems that could very easily be stopped if it played a less influential role in every day events. The use of alcohol is prominent in, but not limited to three social circles that include students, family groups, and religious gatherings. 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